
Crayons for Adults

Hi there, folks!  Just popping in this weekend to share with you my newest video tutorial that I’ve prepared for Scraps of Darkness.   It uses some fantastic Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft media from the base kit and the Creativity and Color Add-ons in July’s “Gypsy Summer” kit.

For this video, I altered the white tags included in the base kit…


to tie the different colored patterned paper blocks together.


Here’s a shot of the full layout.


There are some really yummy My Mind’s Eye patterned papers in the kit this month, and I can’t wait to dig into the Graphic 45 for my next SOD tutorial.  If you’re interested in seeing what you can do with the Papercrafter Crayons other than draw with them, come take a break from your day and have a look-see!  Here’s the video.

Before I sign off, just want to let you know that Melinda at Scraps of Darkness has a special deal going on right now – check it out!


5 thoughts on “Crayons for Adults

  1. I really like you tags Vivian. I have some oil pastels, basically unused, mainly because I don’t know what to do with them. After watching your tutorial, I’m wondering if they would work well as a resist?

  2. Thanks so much for your tutorial using the Faber Castell crayons. I just got me some of them and can’t wait to play around with them. I enjoy your tutorials a lot and you give me much inspiration. It is really neat how people find different ways of using the various mixed media products out there. Can’t wait to get my wax stylus out and start playing!

  3. Pingback: Sunday Links to Tangles, Tutorials and Giveaways #zentangle #tutorials #giveaways | lifeimitatesdoodles

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