
Tag Manic Media Love

Hello, friends!  Awhile back I raved about the freedom I feel when crafting on tags.  Well, I had a great time inking and stamping up a few, as well as a layout, for Hampton Art.  Today’s post over there showcases all my projects for them this month.  Want to see my tags?  I will show you here – all the details are listed over at the Hampton Art Blog.

The first  incorporates texture pastes, heat embossing, and tons of spraying.


Here are some details – the blossom…


Some lovely hills and valleys…


This is what I often do – let the media sink and pool in the valleys, and accentuated the hills with ink.  For this project, I stamped into texture paste – fun!


More hills and valleys.  For my next project, I used the same stamp, and lots of media, but a more vibrant palette and a much simpler approach.


I had forgotten how much I absolutely love dry embossing – above a simple clear heat emboss which then functioned as a great mask.


I really love the imperfect stamp – media got into all the little nooks and created some interesting texture.

For my third tag, I use one, yes only ONE, mist lol!  I had some funky fringed chiffon and used a color combo that I rarely frequent – fast and easy.

VivianKehLoveYouMoreTag_AMore clear heat emboss in that one…


Lastly, I have a layout of my cocker spaniel, Mabu…

VivianKehYouAreMySunshineLO_AIt’s entirely media, which I how I’ve been working a lot lately…

VivianKehYouAreMySunshineLO_CGot more mists, anyone?…  I wish one of my favorite media manufacturers would give me some 🙂  Here I used a combo of mists and Stamper’s Big Brush Pens for some of the stamping.  This way, I have the same colors in my stamping as in my background, and the same fun mixing of colors.


I love this picture of Mabu – it was taken when my life was much tougher.  And seriously, had it not been for that dog, I don’t know how I would have made it through.


Isn’t he cute?

That’s all for today!  Hope you’ll stop by the Hampton Art Blog to leave me a little love – thank you!!!

14 thoughts on “Tag Manic Media Love

  1. Sizzix Bigz Die By Prima Marketing – Gulian PLEASE share how to make this flower. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANY HELP. Charlene

    • hi charlene – i have a video on my channel (link in the bar at the top of my blog) called “mixed media wellness journal.” at about 6:50 you will see how i put together the flower.

  2. Oh my…..cant avoid to leave you some love as you encourage us to…… !!! Just LOVE what you shared here. You are so very talented and creative. Just love picking inspiration from your art-work.
    Hugs from SPAIN

  3. Vivian, You are one talented lady and I enjoy your post, so very much! Did you make the flower on the first tag? If so, you must show us! It’s so beautiful. I love the color palette, as well, in all of them. Thanks for sharing!!

    • hi laura! thanks so much! i have a video on my youtube channel that shows me putting one of these blossoms together – it’s the wellness journal video, i think around the 6 minute mark. i have had a few requests for a tut specifically on this one, so i will try to make one soon that is just about the blossom.

  4. I know exactly what you mean about your friend here. There is nothing like unconditional love from a four legged friend when you need it! My daughter recently lost her best friend of many years, a feline who seemed more like a person, so intuitive and empathetic was he. Where would we be without our buds!?

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