Sizzix + Me = Sweet!

Sizzix + Me = Sweet!

Friends, it feels like I’ve been sitting on this news since FOREVER.   Little snippets of my excitement over this news have snuck out through these little typing fingers out at various stopping points in the ether (I know that drives y’all nuts), but it’s literally been killing me not letting this screaming banshee cat out … Continue reading

Are You Ready to Hop?

Are You Ready to Hop?

Hi there, folks!  Today, I’m participating in a blog hop honoring Breast Cancer Awareness month with the talented designers at Really Reasonable Ribbon and my teammies at Hampton Art. Note to my non-crafty subscribers: You are probably asking yourself, “What the heck is a blog hop?”  Whelp, imagine a neighborhood of crafty folks whose houses … Continue reading


Tags for Twins

Howdy, folks!  I have a really cute project to share with you today.  I made the tags below for a pair of twins turning 1 year old.  Love projects for the babies as they give me an opportunity to go overboard with the cuteness factor! The stepped out tutorial with lots of tasty progress shots … Continue reading


Human Essence

Hi there, folks.  Quick post today – I just found out that I was nominated for the Sunshine Award!  I’m working on a blog post dedicated to that topic and that will post shortly.  The nomination inspired me to wander a bit in the ether.  As I perused, I came across some thought-provoking blogs, as … Continue reading

Seedlings Have Failed and Lessons Hard Learned… But the TAGZZZZZZZZZZ Are Rockin’!

Seedlings Have Failed and Lessons Hard Learned… But the TAGZZZZZZZZZZ Are Rockin’!

Some gardening mishaps to report, folks.   Contadina K’s seedlings haven’t done well this year.  😦 And if you garden, you know how much tender loving care goes into getting seedlings started. So here’s how the situation devolved.  At a certain point under grow lights, after the babies had developed third leaves, they began to … Continue reading